The Dark Fae Market

A Fairy Soirée Market

The Dark Fae Market was created in 2023 by the Dark Queen herself Holly from the Crafty Mystic Candles. The Dark Fae Market was created as a means for fae folk to feel celebrated and have the freedom to dress in their best fae attire without any judgment. Our goal with the DFM was to invite our guests and vendors to a warm and welcoming environment where the line between fantasy and reality is hard to blurred.

What can you expect at our market?

The Dark Fae Queen has invited you to her unseelie court. Of course those of her court are expected to enjoy some festivities! Oh what festivities the Queen has planned! Guests of the court can expect:

  • Swags bags for the first 20 guests

  • A coffee bar

  • Fae themed mocktail bar

  • Photo booth

  • Costumes

  • 50+ fae friendly vendors

  • A wand making station

Want to be a vendor?

Submit an application here!

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